2023 Calendar

2023 American Water Spaniel Calendar Theme.... JUST PUPPIES

AWSC members, we need photos of puppies up to 6mo. of age
Deadline is May 16, 2022 Email to lmccracken@ftc-i.net
See criteria below.

Calendar Photo Criteria
2023 Theme: American Water Spaniels … Just Puppies!

Hi folks!
The Health and Genetics Committee would once again like members to get out your cameras and keep them handy for taking special shots – or, search your archives! 2023 Theme - Just Puppies! We need the funniest and most exciting favorite photos of your special puppies
up to six months of age. We would also accept a ONE – LINE quote describing the activity!
The rules for submission have not changed – see below.
Thank you, AWSC, Inc., Health and Genetics Committee

If you have old photos to share, please scan a copy. Small ones should be scanned at as high of a resolution as possible. If you have an 8X10 photo, you should scan at no less than 300 dpi, a 4X6 photo at 600 dpi, if possible.
The guidelines are as follows:

  1. Photos may only be submitted by AWSC Members via e-mail.

  2. Photos submitted must include the American Water Spaniel and may include both dogs and their humans.

  3. Every photo submitted must be taken by an AWSC member or member of the immediate family, with the exception of photos taken by a professional photographer.

  4. AWSC members must own the dog whose photo is taken by a professional photographer. Submit with signed permission from the photographer for the Club to use in the calendar.

  5. No names, kennel names or promotion of other organizations / businesses / products are allowed in photos.

  6. Images for the 2023 calendar are chosen for quality, creativity, and adherence to theme.

  7. A maximum of five photos may be submitted per member preferred.

  8. Photo Guidelines:

    • It will not be necessary to reduce the size of your photos to submit them.

    • We accept files with the following extensions only: tif, jpg, bmp, png and eps.

    • It is important to note that if you crop an 8 mega pixel photograph and it must be enlarged to fill a page, your resolution will drop considerably depending on how small you have cropped the original photo.

    • Adjust your digital camera to the highest resolution and quality possible.

    • Only high-quality images can be used on full page.

Entries should be received no later than June 12, 2022. We plan to have calendars available at the AWSC Nationals on be August 10 - 14, 2022 at Baldwin, WI.

With entry, include Name, E-mail Address and Telephone Number to: lmccracken@ftc-i.net