Family of Jon & Mary Klema

Today, the AWS family honors the memory of Raylan and sends hugs and support to the Klema family. In 8 years, Raylan had so much love for his family, shared many adventures and took pride in showing other breeds how Little Brown Dogs get things done.

Raylan had quite the adventure early in his life as he traveled to train and learn how to hunt in pure Texas style. Early on, they knew he was a special boy and had a knack for being awesome.

Raylan earned many awards and ribbons as he hunted his way through life. He allowed mom and dad to go to Nationals and other events with him, mostly because he simply loved them, but also because he needed someone to carry all those ribbons home.

Raylan did dad proud each and every day, but was in particular a darn good hunting buddy. Raylan asked mom to buy him his own camo Pup tent because dad kept stealing all the blankets. Raylan made sure that he decorated it in true AWS fashion with his daily trophies, feathers are always in style. While Jon was a great shot, if he ever missed, the birds didn't stand a chance because they were mesmerized by Raylan's intense gaze, and well, his handsomeness.

As much as Raylan enjoyed traveling to and hunting in many states, he also enjoyed being at home with his family and his fur siblings. He kept an eye on mom each Christmas to supervise the tree trimming and to make sure no birds were hiding in it. He also was highly suspect of Santa and kept watch to make sure he didn't steal anything He loved his WI teams and he loved celebrating the holiday that is all about America(n Water Spaniels). He also specialized in mom cuddles, and we can all bet he earned a ribbon for that also.

Raylan's final retrieve was shared with the world on July 7, 2022 as he was part of an AWS feature story in Small Towns. His AWS family was so blessed to be able to share in that moment.

Rest easy sweet Raylan. Your spirit was willing, but your body had other plans. My KoKo sr. & KoKo jr. will meet you at the rainbow bridge. They will help you find the LBD pack, who will likely be in the water. May wonderful memories carry your family through the time in front of them. They loved you your whole life and will miss you the rest of theirs. Jon and Mary, you are in the thoughts of your AWS family.

Written by: Rebeca Winkler-Damato, ~ with Jon & Mary Klema