2022 Nationals Eye Clinic Pre-Registration
The AWSC is offering by appointment, eye exams for AWS on Wednesday 8/10/22, after the Pizza Party.
Time slots will be available at the Pizza Party for those pre-registered.
If you have not pre-registered your dog, you may complete forms at the clinic in order for your dog to participate.
The Health & Genetics Committee is generously contributing $15.00 towards the cost of each eye exam as a Thank You to the AWSC members for their support and dedication towards AWS health throughout the years.
AWSC members: $20.00.
Non members: $35.00.
TO REGISTER : Click and fill out the (Printable Eye Clinic Form) & (Pre-register for the CAER Eye Exam).
If you do not Pre-Register, forms will also be available for you to complete at the Eye Clinic.
Send Form to: Christine Dostie, 981 Church Hill Road, Leeds, ME 04263
Make Check Payable to: AWSC, Inc., Attention H & G Committee
Deadline: Send Form and Check by July 21st.
Instructions regarding OFA Pre-registration
Create an Owner Account with OFA at https://online.ofa.org/login/; you then go to online@offa.org and Create a New Application for the CAER Eye Exam. Once completed, this information will be accessible to the veterinarian at the Nationals Eye Clinic to complete and send to OFA.
Thank you for the participation of your dog(s) in this worthwhile clinic! Pre-registered dogs
will be placed on a list prior to Nationals to have preference for examination