Make it stand out.
Restricted Use Only
This Membership Directory is being distributed to members in good standing of the AWSC. It should be used only for business related to the AWSC. As the Membership Directory, by its nature, contains personal contact information of the members of the AWSC, it should not be disclosed to non-members and may not be used for commercial solicitations or any other purpose.
How to Use
The membership list is sorted alphabetically by Member Last Name. Spouses or significant others with different last names are listed by reference to the person whose name appears first on the membership rolls. Some members have asked that their contact information not be published, not be released, or both.
The American Water Spaniel Club, Inc. (“AWSC”) has eight types of memberships: (1) Individual (I), (2) Household (H), (3) Associate Individual (IA), (4) Associate Household (HA), (5) Lifetime Individual (I-Life), (6) Lifetime Household (H-Life), (7) Junior, and (8) Local Specialty Club. Currently, the AWSC has no Junior Members that are not part of a member's household, and there are no Local Specialty Clubs for the American Water Spaniel.
Missing or Updating Information
The information contained in the Membership Directory is information on file with the Secretary of the AWSC as of the date on the cover. If information is missing, incorrect, or needs to be updated, you should contact the Secretary of the AWSC via email at:
You can also write to the Secretary at:
American Water Spaniel Club, Inc.
187 Lownsdale Ave, Akron, OH 44313
The AWSC is an organization of volunteers. There is a complete list of the Committees and Appointed Positions on the AWSC website at under Contact Us. The AWSC is always looking for volunteers to staff and chair committees. Anyone desiring to serve on a committee that already has a chairperson, please contact the chairperson directly about volunteering for the committee. Anyone wishing to volunteer to be the chairperson of a committee without a chairperson, please contact the Secretary of the AWSC.