Enjoy all the many AWS photos and quotes in the 2022 edition!
All proceeds will go to Health and Genetics Committee to fund health studies and
provide educational opportunities to owners, breeders, and AWS enthusiasts!
$20.00 ea. plus $3.00 S & H
For 5 or more - 15% discount plus S&H. Contact Lois McCracken for price and S&H:
(803)491-8419 or e-mail lmccracken@ftc-i.net.
Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ________________________________________________
Phone Number: _______________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________
Checks to be made payable to the AWSC, Inc. with a notation: H&G Calendar
Send order & checks to: Lois McCracken, P. O. Box 1982, Sumter, SC 29151
Thank you for supporting our breed throughout the years!